Josh Pray 5 Things I learned from celebrating New Years with my bright friends - GameONEs TV

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Josh Pray 5 Things I learned from celebrating New Years with my bright friends

  1. Janet Wachter: In AZ you go to jail for shooting off a gun into the air.. Sad but a little girl was killed standing in her yard a few years ago..::(((.
  2. Fendran M: Auld Lang Syne. You’re welcome
  3. Lee Bailor: Weird. We just set off fireworks all night. Maybe it matters which whyte u with. My familys lame y'all. Should've crashed your party
  4. sleepy314: 5 AM in NY is midnight in Hawaii. My in-laws we’re British and we started with New Years in London!
  5. {TRUMP NATION}: I learn more and more about my race every time I watch one of these videos lol love ya josh keep it up... God bless your 2019
  6. CrimsonSpectre: So glad you had an educational experience :)
  7. David Greene: Try oj to help with the voice.
  8. J Banz: Love you josh keep doing what you doing
  9. cm. CG: Kimberly Lowery are you one of those people who says ‘it’s 2018 how does racism still exist’
  10. cm. CG: Kimberly Lowery are you flirting with me right now?
  11. Calla Lily: are up way too early New Year’s Day to be that perky! 😂
  12. Livvy Weimar: Truth! And the song is Auld Lang Sine LMAO you just got a new subscriber hahahahahahahahaha
  13. El Bingeroso: Love you dude!
  14. Col.Glover 413: Go watch Kent Hovind ✝️
  15. J.Howard Metzger: Auld Lang Syne means “Old Long Ago”
  16. TideFan01: That first thing you said about being kissed is gotta be bullshit made up for comedy. Never have I had a dude kiss me on the cheek or some shit like that.
  17. Andrea's Life: I love your version of the song! I don't do the masks, though. We only have a few people over. (and I hate those noise-makers!)
  18. OneShot Equinox: Lol😂😂
  19. charles c: You are a funny fuck brother !!! Peace Out and Fish On, oh yea, HAPPY FUCKIN' NEW YEAR CAT
  20. Stephen Holland: Happy new year!
  21. Viguy43: Concerning point number 2, I guess underneath a mask we white people all look alike huh? 😁
  22. Kimberly Ponder: White girl from red neck East Texas, never been to a party that shot guns at new years. And.. We eat black eye peas, ham, cabbage and cornbread and sweet tea.
  23. Iile J: Ganus
  24. Matt DOE: Happy new year
  25. Johnny Rabbits Laughing: Happy New year Josh!
  26. Leslie Shafer: Black-eyed peas are pretty much standard New Year's Day good luck fare for most people who reside in the southern portion if the United States. The one year I didn't eat Black-eyed Peas on New Day could rightly be called the Year from H*** - so I am now officially superstitious about the tradition. P.S.: If you really want to blow people away next year memorize the 2nd verse of Auld Lange Syne, as well as the 1st verse.
  27. Levi Roch: Come spend a new years in australia mate! Considerable amounts of alchohol. . . Like we will knock off a good 5-10 years off your total life span in one evening, incredible food (you will never encounter a true surf and turf until youve come here, the secret is the dill infused camembert sauce for the prawns. . . ), its the middle of summer so you shall spend it outdoors with everyone wearing fuck all and having a brilliant time, if your single you WILL be getting laid that night ("so whats your new years resolution?", "You"). Someone will ALWAYS start up a game of 'goon of fortune' (aussie tradition, google it lol). . . Fun times
  28. Kevin Monceaux: I think it's safe to say that this will be the best 2019 of your life. Unless someone develops the technology to enable you to travel through time within your lifetime, this will be the only 2019 of your life. :-)
  29. David Goldberg: Josh...ur the best...funny but real!
  30. Sam Fisher: Lol I’m white and I’m tame compared to his friends. I stick with liquor shots, party food, and fireworks while watching a movie till the ball drops
  31. Jonathan Flora: ...there's a new year's song?
  32. John Scott: Black Eye Peas and Collards. Also not all of us do that hugging thing.....some of us like our space....
  33. Holly Robbins: I love you Josh pray! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  34. Ark Lyte: Happy New Year Josh!! Love your Five Things vids. As a 'Bright' Redneck, I can confirm that pretty much everything you say in them is true!
  35. moparmeyers: Damm, I don't know all the words to that song but I know just enough to fake it. Keep um coming in 2019 Josh. Happy New Year to you and yours!
  36. Sean K: Happy New Year Josh your awesome
  37. Angela Fielder: One of your bright friends here. My mom makes black eyed peas and cabbage for New Years Day. And here in Kentucky the most important song is My Old Kentucky Home. Second place would be the national anthem. Hope you come back to Kentucky soon!
  38. Christopher Kirchoff: I like the comedy you put out. Good observation on the comedy. Good job sirs. Your good attitude and down to earth talk is what would make a nice neighbor in any place with any community. Thank you for the smiles and look forward to more of your videos. Sincerely Christopher William Kirchoff in Montana
  39. AngelIsHereTo ObserveTheEnd: Damn you up early. Shouldn't you have a hangover.
  40. pittsky: When the ball drops for new years eve, white people act like black people do when black people they see David Blaine street magic.
  41. drmachinewerke1: And he looks hung over
  42. KidDerby: Josh... you a funny fucker..and yeah, you're getting a 2020 hug and kiss. It's going to happen so brace yourself and prep for it. :)
  43. Fat Samurai Productions: I'm the first like, first comment and the first one to say New Year happy everybody!
  44. aiden mcneil: Yeah, definitely not a black thing lol
  45. Roger Adkins: Scrambled eggs 😂😂😂
  46. Donaca Tanguma: Josh 🌹 Believe me, you never ever have to feel ashamed, embarrassed, or culturally out of it ... All joking aside, WE LOVE YOU just the way you are. Love & Light always from the hood in NYC 🌹🌲🌹🌲🌹🌲🌹🌲🌹🌲🌹🌲🌹
  47. JW McCabe: Caustic Chameleon It’s a British thing mate.
  48. Ron Bucherie: First time I’ve watched one of your videos and after just one, I’m a subscriber. Josh, your story about the song had me laughing so hard there were tears running down my face. Thanks for the laughs man. Now I’m off to watch more of your videos!!
  49. Sir Smartypants Ruel: Happy New Year Josh!!!! Hope you have a great year 😄
  50. intouch: I love how you refer to your white friends as bright !! LOL I wish everybody had the same attitude and sense of humor as you do.
  51. Stoo _: Here you go, sir - practice the words with these goys:
  52. Beth Shadid: My family just uses fat back to grease up the collards with flavor (Georgia & Alabama)
  53. drageben: In norway we have something called julebokk on new years it's litteraly halloween with christmas songs
  54. Jete Oyttenmaa: Happy Last year
  55. Kimberly Lowery: cm. CG Nope. Are you one of those people who beat a dead horse when it comes to race?? Maybe it still exists because people like you won’t let it die
  56. Pepe Von Kek: Pregnancy test after kissing??? You want to explain that bit deeper? What you have done Josh?!?!?!!
  57. Grants Dad: 1. Never experienced that maybe if a couple people are very drunk 2. Idk who the hell wears mask or costumes on New Years that’s just weird 3. Never heard that song before 4. That may be true lmao 😂😂 5. I don’t even watch the countdown too busy lighting off fireworks
  58. Hightower One: When I stand up from my to cook cornbread for my black eyed peas that have been cooking all day! Happy New Year!!!
  59. Bobby Schmurda: Jesse Epic!
  60. G Becerril: He dont dont call em white no more in his title
  61. Deanna Crownover: Happy New Years family! Who else is making hopping John? Don't forget the dime! (Josh, look up Robert Burns, he wrote Auld Lang Syne)
  62. BodhiBushido: Bruuh... You aint hungover enough.... Source: Am white.
  63. Robert Weber: well we cant all be like blacks and smoke weed and shoot off guns all night while blaring shitty rap music
  64. Puckered: I love your videos because finally its something poisitive about my race hitting the masses. I don't know when all this white hate became normalized but I LOVE you Josh. I wish you the best and will keep supporting you until you stop!
  65. Jeff Smith: ya crack me up!
  66. TideFan01: When your having a field party with a keg or at some Creek bank or anywhere in the woods is what we used to do. Shoot all you want in the air no worries.
  67. Leslie Shafer: +asphodelale LOL, I had to look them up. After doing so I can see why nobody remembers them. Like Auld Lange Syne should have stopped at the 2nd verse, the Star Spangled Banner should have stopped at the first.
  68. Nezu: I'm white... And I have no idea what this song is.. :C
  69. w. callens: The reason why you got the solo is because everybody else would have turned red if they heard their name followed by ..solo...
  70. Blue Falcons Suck: This was the 1st new-year I haven't worked in a decade (I work in entertainment staging) ... I was asleep by was glorious.
  71. Hugh Mongus: Number 4 is really true. Lol
  72. Jonathan Saunders: Omfg this channel is amazing. 🤣
  73. Danny Cook: Let's make it a good one everyone
  74. Gold Boy: Nice voice singing stand by me at the end, this video is true tho lol
  75. Jep Jorgensson: Happy New Year and lots of kisses! LOL!
  76. Doug Yates: Josh, I'm White and that's why I stay home, too:). Peace, man!
  77. Ken Welch: Happy new year Josh!
  78. Patrick R: Can you please come to kalamazoo Michigan!
  79. Queen Banz: not scrambled 🥚tho🤣🤣
  80. e. s.: 😂 I am white and never knew or did any of these 🤷🏼‍♀️
  81. Victoria Lynn Struble: It ain't no secret, they dont give you no warning. I love it. You describe our culture better than we can
  82. Auburn Jewels: Yo dawg Anytime friend!
  83. lady veruca grimes: so funny, , we dont do the gun think in the uk , thank goodness
  84. Kimberly Fox: This is so accurate and I can't stop laughing. I started singing that song last night at midnight. 😂
  85. TideFan01: Yeah the being kissed thing has never happened to me or anyone I've ever known. Also nobody wore mask either.
  86. Sharon W.: I'm an old southern white woman and I still honor my mom's tradition of blackeyed peas, turnip greens and hog jowls on New Year's Day. It is supposed to bring prosperity in the coming year. The peas are symbolic of coins and the greens of paper money. We never wash clothes on New Year's Day because of the superstition of washing a family member away. I know it's rediculous because we lose loved ones anyway but I now believe it was mom's way of taking the day off from doing laundry. I guess different people have different tradition but unfortunately I believe some are dying with us old people. Thank you Josh for putting a smile on this old woman's face. I still believe you need your own sitcom. I just might start watching TV again if you did. God bless and Happy New Year.
  87. yo dawg: +Auburn Jewels ahh i see, thanks buddy.. 😎🤙
  88. Video6: Happy New Years ........ Celebratory Gunfire : Please no shooting into air instead shoot into sandbags
  89. Gilly Gil: Nice pipes, too.
  90. FBI: First love ya josh
  91. Maka: Josh i highly recommend watching a couple of videos on because if you think guns is crazy. over here we are litterarly lighting up self made bombs in little parks
  92. Shawn Lasswell: Happy New Year
  93. mr2atara: When the ball drops in New York, it's already 6pm Jan 1st here in New Zealand. We'd be counting down all day. Not that we need an excuse to get on it, lol.
  94. Viataf Ramen: I cant believe you know about the soup! Happy new year dude!
  95. Melissa Shank: Yep. I had my once a year new years day meal of mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, and kielbasa today.
  96. howudoin person: Naw man it ain’t British anymore it’s now a southern thang
  97. Edward st.antoine: ;)
  98. DANCE4mark: @2:17 black people always gotta remix something lolol
  99. DANCE4mark: +Adam Hoffman haha fr tho lol
  100. four fourths: Thank goodness he did not get into the absurd amount of food and alcohol that is present... you got 30 people in the house... yah there is 35 bottles of booze, at least 6 24s of beer... and enough mix you would think rvery 7-11 was out of mix. Then the two tables overflowing with slow cookers and finger food...
  101. Nicole Cantrell: You always make me laugh!
  102. Espresso bold and beautiful: I had smoked turkey and Cajun sausage gumbo, fried taters, green beans with ham and onions, buttermilk biscuits and cornbread was made.
  103. FatherGoose: Love the channel!...
  104. chew2elah: You are one of the funniest people I have ever seen/heard. There is truth in everything you talk about and that is the best. Thanks f9r the laughs and wisdom.
  105. Mobbo J: Its funny as hell because theres no hate involved. love it
  106. Alucard Peach: I have to say, as a pale bright person, the only thing I've ever experienced that's true to what you experienced is singing Auld Lang Syne. That, and kissing, but ONLY the person you want to spend your year with! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  107. Michael Salvatore: I’m white I can’t say u do most of those but holy shit everything you just said my parents and their friends do just typical older white people😂
  108. Auburn Jewels: Oops! Lol! & 2019 and all of the years of your life!
  109. Ben From Gulf City: I was one of 3 single guys at the party last night. We had a toast and kissed a vodka bottle
  110. Gilly Gil: Josh Pray? When are you gonna take this show on the road? You are hilarious.
  111. Jason Krohn: I’m scrolling through the comments looking for that one guy that says “I’m white and I this is true.” Every one of his videos has at lest one. 😂
  112. Brett Spencer: Gee, what time did you count down the Australian New Years- 6:30 at night?😂😂😂😂
  113. Xxx Xxx: We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for days of old lang syne.. This song is a toast and tribute to the people you've met along the way, that helped you out. It's made with the acknowledgement that you yourself deserve such a toast as well, from people you helped. A toast to such people you may have forgotten about, because alot has happened since then, and you may have traveled far. (According to the song) Auld lang syne means "older times" or "times long ago" It's a lovely song, I'm so glad Josh prompted me to check it out. I can drink to that!
  114. Lynda Jaeger: +Sharon W. Thank you so much. Same to you! Sometimes you just have to change it up. My kids wouldn't touch black eyed peas before. Now i make a soup with some ham hocks and sausage with it and they lap it up.
  115. Caylin Dela Cruz: drageben is that your julebokk costume?
  116. William B: 36th!! It’s just as important as first lollll
  117. Kurt the flirt: Keep it 999 likes and 9 dislikes
  118. yo dawg: the kisses and hugs are sooo god damn true.... 😂😂😂
  119. Panzer Jeep: Happy New Year Josh! Lookin forward to more of your work.
  120. Cars an Cameras: That was funny as hell
  121. Scott Lilley: Learning to Duck during the festivities is a requirement!! Learning where the wet and sloppies are is a product of experience!! Happy New Year Josh!! Now go to sleep
  122. Noman: Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne That’s usually enough to get you through.
  123. Iile J: +BigRedRidingBear Umm okay?
  124. Gary Gayle: Damn you white people know how to party.
  125. GAMERGORE 4: Lol I don't know the lyrics for that song, I thought people stopped shooting in the air because its dangerous
  126. Mary Ellen Reardon: Happy New Year Josh!!❤️
  127. Beth Carden: Boogy Oogy ..we dont care! We Love Josh Pray!!!!
  128. Patrick McCreight: I'll edit my comment (while keeping it as is. Showing mind set and how it changes) Though I dont feel he comes from a "racist" mind set. It is possible that he is being so. But still enjoy his content and if anything is of negative mind set, I pray he comes closer w himself and the Lord.
  129. Mulberryman: well ya of course they were wearing masks, you can't ring in the new year without a masquerade ball
  130. Micah Hoot: Your experiences are not universal
  131. Trisa Gentry: Black Eyed Pead, Ham and Cornbread! FTW!! Happy New Year!!
  132. Shane Von Harten: HAPPY NEW YEAR from Australia Josh and everyone else reading.
  133. Freedom Matters: 😂😂😂
  134. Kyoto: +Beth Shadid Ham hock here lol (Louisiana)
  135. Ryan DeJong: Auld Lang Syne
  136. Morganachan: I’m white and I don’t know the words to that song, so we asked Alexa to sing it for us😂
  137. Amanda Laughlin: No Fireworks? Imma call them bright folks you been hanging with and set em strait!
  138. Bolinsky Bassin: Except you missed how every white person on January first isn’t waking up till 12 and there’s Gatorade everywhere
  139. eric whitlow: That’s how I remember New Years. People poking their heads out of their houses and popping off shotguns in the air. Strange tradition but they all did it.
  140. interrobangings: How informative! Thanks for leaving this comment, I had no idea before
  141. Nunya Bizness: boogy oogy oogy?  lolol!
  142. rayisawesoem: I would be curious if it’s a progression of that tradition. Where I’m from many settlers are of Northern European heritage and much of that has echos here.
  143. PJ Borger IV: Those of us with a German heritage eat sauerkraut on New year's day supposed to be good luck
  144. Tim Harrison: Lmao white people
  145. drageben: +Caylin Dela Cruz no i'm a bit too old too go julebokk
  146. Morganachan: Mike Cummings true, I’m glad that was the only problem I had this new year!
  147. Rj Chavers: Wishing everyone much love and happiness in the years to come!
  148. Sharon W.: +interrobangings You're very welcome.
  149. Chris Hall: What you are doing is absolutely amazing. Thank you sir!
  150. People's Front of Canada: Happy New Year Josh,dam you are a funny dude.Your experiences with your bright friends always makes me laugh.Best of luck in 2019 man.
  151. Howard Key: I live on the east side of Indy I heard over 100+ gun shots just from my neighbors
  152. Khaeldranis: Check your date friend
  153. OriginalXfyre: You are a beautiful soul.
  154. Michael Hilliard: the pregnancy test comment was great. as a white guy this video was a 100% accurate.
  155. its me: If you ever find yourself in southern OK, you've got a place to crash man
  156. Matt DOE: Yes its sad if you cant laugh about yourself kind of like Eddie Murphy in Rocky hey oh I got this
  157. Chris Pile: You a funny guy, Josh!
  158. Christine Sixteen: In my white neck of the woods we're already drunk and passed out by 5 am! Up until 5 am?! That's just crazy talk.
  159. Melissa Shank: 😘😘😘🤣🤣🤣yep. He got it right.
  160. zhp500: We had cabbage, but boiled with sausage. Can remember as a kid it was sauerkraut and brats, not sure why it changed to fresh cabbage.
  161. NW Monk: White people are weird. But we land satellites on comets, make AIDs vaccines, and invent the Internet. Oh and instituted the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Polio vaccines, and abolished Slavery.
  162. evilal20: Dude you should come to Red Wing Treasure Island, I'll come see you on stage 😏
  163. J.Howard Metzger: This guy is fantastic!
  164. Tommy H: Didn’t know who you rang it in with but never ever have I been at a white party like that. It’s usually drinking games, Wild, poker, fireworks galore till your chest rattles. I guns allowed while drinking like that.
  165. Steven Garnett: I’m pretty sure your white friends are fuckin with you at this point man. I’m white and how I celebrate is just going to a bar with friends and drinking
  166. I P S: Calling everyone Chris? You saying we all look alike!?! Lol
  167. Jesse: I spent $500 and woke up on a bench in the park you have no idea lol. In case you didn't guess it yeah I'm white and even my white friends call me crazy.
  168. James Anthony: Hell, he's tellin' us things about ourselves we done gone an' forgot was a thang!
  169. John Gross: Thank you for a great 2018 worth of your insight. Looking forward to 2019.
  170. travis branum: I made my mess of peas. You should have come over. Happy New Year Josh
  171. cm. CG: Who cares?
  172. Ziggy Hood: The corny ass jokes white people say every damn new year, like *wow I haven’t seen you since last year*
  173. psnlh1: White southern here, our new years dinner always has black eye peas (for pennies), hog jaws (for luck), and greens (for money)!
  174. Marcus Taber: Wazoo
  175. AngelIsHereTo ObserveTheEnd: Oh ok
  176. Patricia Smith: Omg😂😂
  177. Sharon W.: +Lynda Jaeger I'll have try that. My husband will probably enjoy it. My sons are now between the ages of 38-45 so I have very little influence over what they eat.
  178. Caustic Chameleon: Have my black eyed peas, collard greens, ham and cornbread today. It’s a southern thing y’all. Happy New Year. 🎉🍾🥂🎇🎆
  179. Mona Taylor: Lol, pretty sure he doesn't drink
  180. 2know4sure: Auld Langs Syne explained...
  181. Beth Shadid: Usually just blanks (?) but in country naw 😂😂
  182. Phoebe G: Happy new year!
  183. Lindsay Truempy: hey #JoshPray have a listen to this
  184. mattallica0: same
  185. MrGreenAKAguci00: Thanks for bringing the gap.
  186. Patrick McCreight: If it your experience or not, gotta like his content for just being positive. If it offends, cool. Still wasnt his intent
  187. Tater Plays: New Years happens in all time zones brother... Also, it keeps the party going for five hours! Also Also, Top three Caucasian songs in America are.. Number one, The National Anthem. Number two, Auld Lang Syne. Number three, Shake it off. And to finish it off, i must be part black or you must be part Irish cause we do the black-eye pea thing too at my house.
  188. Caustic Chameleon: JW McCabe what’s a British thing?
  189. strange0eye: Funny as hell! But as a 52 year old white male... I've never celebrated New Years Eve with any of his five experiences. No costumes, no guns... just lots of alcohol and professional grade fireworks.
  190. frost1977: i'm white and I don't want to be at that kinda new years fling. i normally sleep through it.
  191. 2know4sure: + TRUMP NATION, the one where Josh goes to a picnic with his Bright friends & marvels at their use of, & perhaps over reliance on, Zip Lock Baggies is a classic..
  192. OG killowatt: Every white person, even if they are nice as hell, got at least one gun lmao
  193. Yogi Demis: I'm white and I can confirm that what he says is all true!
  194. Auburn Jewels: Yo dawg! Politically incorrect...or the stuff we aren't allowed to say anymore!😂 Example: My fav. movies are the original Bad News Bears & Caddyshack and they are not politically correct in 2019! P.C. killed comedy, but Josh Pray is bringing it back! Thanks to Josh Pray!😎
  195. Robert Harris: Texas here, country living..... Yup.....GUNS!!! GUNS GUNS GUNS!!!!
  196. BigRedRidingBear: +Jesus Christ shuddup jeasus ur 19 years late asshole.
  197. flamingpie herman: Let's drink a cup of wine and cheer for auld lang syne.
  198. James Anthony: Hell, I been a tall, white guy my whole life (except for that period when I was a short, black woman... don't ask....) and I ain't NEVER known all the words to that stupid song =)
  199. Charles Miller: Happy nude beer, yea I am still counting down....
  200. Mike Cummings: Morganachan First World problem, First World solution
  201. thatjerseyb: damn we're supposed to know the words to the new year eve song? i don't even know the name of the got damn song...
  202. Tina Melton: Well you'll have a heads up for next year and you'll be more prepared for having fun
  203. john McKinney: God bless you Josh. Enjoy your thoughts
  204. oklahoma southern: the gun celebration is true here too lol, new years and 4th of July you here guns going off all around you. your awesome I'm glade you had a good time. I have little ones twins so I stay in but we still dressed up, baked some cookies, played games, and past out @ 11 hahaha, I love it.
  205. MCETV: Tough
  206. Leslie Grigg: I am the only white girl at my job I can relate to alot of your videos. Happy New Year!
  207. Beth Shadid: Black eyed peas AND collards cooked in fat back 🙌. Need a pregnancy test...stop I'm bought to pee myself 😂😂😂😂😂. Don't give away secret about guns, lord them boys gonna have atf on their doors led by David Hogg 😢. Yes we hug, but don't know words myself to that song either. As for the g.d., don't like it at all 😡. Did you ever check out Charlie Pride? Hope you have a safe & prosperous New Year 💯🎆🍻🍹🎉🕛. BTW.. There are 4 time zones in America alone 😂😂😂
  208. BigCat6906: Happy New year's man! God love ya. 😎
  209. Beth Shadid: 😂😂😂😂💯🙌
  210. StirCrazy: Who are your bright friends? lol
  211. Dredzone The Blogger: OMG! Bruh.....dead.
  212. Jeremy Robbins: Love this comic, good humor and clean. Keep up the good work my friend! 8)
  213. JW McCabe: British do black eyed peas, and greens.
  214. Fl Kitty: I miss those days of rockin in the new year. Ok. Shooting in the air is dangerous.
  215. Kyoto: Black eyed peas and cabbage (or collard greens) Is a southern thing, greens represent fortune (Also a late harvest veggie) and beans is from when they were more considered animal feed, So all that we really had during that was beans and salt pork (The hamhock that tends to go in the beans and cabbage)
  216. Layne: Black eye peas are for luck and cabbage is for $$$$$$$ make sure you eat alot of both
  217. Brian Payne: Fat Samurai Productions you’re also the first loser to make an ass of himself. Congratulations. Loser.
  218. Fl Kitty: Beth Shadid “naw” what is that?
  219. Daveh H: What white people are these?
  220. Mistie Medendorp: I just LOVE your "white friends" videos. Bridge that cultural gap, Josh! Happy New Year and have the BEST year! Should old acquaintance Be forgot And never brought To mind Should old acquaintance Be forgot And days of auld lang syne
  221. vm brister: Ma Man!!! Welcome to Caucasian New Year's Celebration!!! Love ya man! SMOOCH!
  222. Professor Eggplant: Nah, the woman with boobs might be chris too. You can't be too sure anymore.
  223. Rebecca Riordan: Lol, stars start falling! Happy New year!
  224. O'lorcain: @joshpray don't worry, I didn't know the words to that song either lol!
  225. Beth Shadid: +Kyoto we've used that too. Guess which ever was cheapest at time 😂
  226. Auburn Jewels: Scrambled eggs and kaboom!😂😂😂Have a great 2018 Josh Pray!
  227. Jack Mandu: Very funny and very true. In case you need to hear some more white boys singing Auld Lang Syne, check out this fantastic version.
  228. Hell Crow: 😂😂😂 happy new year dude
  229. TideFan01: Hell yeah black eyed peas here also and some cornbread
  230. adam Vaughan: Us white dudes go hard on now year's! (Not trying to be racist btw, just explaining)
  231. Col.Glover 413: Jesus is the only way to heaven ✝️
  232. asphodelale: The black-eyed peas are eaten by White folks on New Year's because they are symbolic of the god Janus, whom January was named after. Either that, or they know from Southern cooking and are just not about to pass up an excuse to eat them.
  233. Kallynn Drake: Fact darlin
  234. Thomas Cahill: Happy 2019!
  235. asphodelale: There's a second verse? Now if you REALLY want to freak out people, sing the second and third verses of The Star-Spangled Banner. (Though, TBH, so few Americans know the rest of it, you might have people thinking you're an over-studied foreign spy if you do, LOL.)
  236. mattallica0: love your videos man, wish i was one of your friends
  237. zach tyo: Funny as always
  238. redskin4040: What makes all of his comedy so funny is because it's true lol. To heck with pc. I'm white and if you can't laugh at this there's no hope for you. Keep'em coming Josh.
  239. Phillip Ellis: Josh you hang with some crazy bright people. The hug / kiss thing is a thing, but I have never kissed a dude (I'm a dude.) We dont shoot guns we light of fireworks ( I live in Utah,.may or may not have something to do with it, before that California..) We count down once. Normally crash at 2am . The song.. it's sometimes a thing. Either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR JOSH AND EVERYONE ON YOUTUBE! 🎉🎊💥🎶😁
  240. Mearamack: Best New Years party for me was a swinger party a few years ago. Got a lot more than a kiss from the ladies there.
  241. CLCinflorida: 🎉🎊🎇HAPPY NEW YEAR'S🎇🎊🎉
  242. Adam Hoffman: DANCE4mark swear, and they usually make that shit even more poppin than it was 🤣💯
  243. ronniepike1972: I once woke up on my girlfriend's lawn. Not on a the grass. Like right square in the middle. Tequila..
  244. Kenny L: Thanks Josh for a year of the funniest life stories. Thanks for not worrying about the pc crap. Thanks for working hard to be all inclusive. Thanks for being color blind. I hope folks have picked up on the life lessons that you teach evey time you present a new video. That we are all Americans. Keep the stories coming and have an awesome 2019.
  245. CST Graphpads: Black-eyed peas, collard greens, and hog jowl and I'm white.
  246. Beth Shadid: +Fl Kitty just southern slang for no.
  247. Motorcycle Momma: Happy New Year Josh! Next year you'll know the song~
  248. Hugh Mongus: Where is that song from? I've heard it somewhere before "Let all your problems be forgotten?"
  249. TideFan01: It's like Kat Williams said on some tour when white dudes leave the house they say tonight we're getting fucked up. Lol. That was always my mission.
  250. Khaeldranis: Happy New Year you beautiful bastard <3
  251. Kimberly Lowery: cm. CG don’t be an ass, especially on the first day of the new year. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
  252. TideFan01: The being kissed by dudes is gotta be bullshit. I don't care how fucked up I or everyone around me was but never has a dude kissed me on the cheek.
  253. Andrew D: Dude I love your videos
  254. J Can du: If its all white its all right ...dude where were you in a gay bar white we dont kiss guys like that at family ir other get togethers .....yeesh
  255. Prizmatic Z: 😂
  256. J W: Happy New Year Josh......I truly hope 2019 is the best ever for you and those you love....make it great by coming to the UK .also for all other Josh Pray subscribers Happy New Year to you all
  257. Cory Hart: Happy New Year and best wishes!!!
  258. Timothy: Funny for sure. True, not so much.
  259. C Canto: Happy new year man! Thanks for the great content!!
  260. Kim Kovach: 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  261. Trevor Crawford: Perfect example of a black person clumping all white people together
  262. 2know4sure: 2:26 "you gotta' see it, it's electric..." (crickets chirping...) LOL! happy new year Josh!✨🍾🥂✨ 📢 have the BEST 2019 EVER!!! 🤠
  263. MIKE: I'm laughin till I'm cryin here! I'm just an ol' cowboy, but all you said is true... We put more lead in the sky during my youth than you can imagine! Ammo was a favorite stocking stuffer in my family. God bless you and yours Josh! Love your stuff and Happy New year!
  264. Beth Shadid: Its all good, I'll remember to write 2019 half way thru year instead of 18 🙌😂😂😂
  265. Kasey Morist: And scrambled eggs
  266. Anria Viljoen: Mmmm scrambled eggs 🤣🤣🤣
  267. Kallynn Drake: Southern tradition black eyed peas ham hocks collard greens corn bread and or cabbage and poultry or pork
  268. Zachary Fells: If you ain't the funniest
  269. born to be a loser: Are you a whole year late dude lol
  270. iwatchkittenvids45: But... There's always sauerkraut
  271. Joecephus _: Meh. Racism disguised with humor. Thumbs down.
  272. George Hutto: Nice! For Southerners it black eyed peas, collard greens and hog jowl. Luck, money and health.
  273. Eddie Huff: Shucks Josh you got your face kissed a lot the first second of the year. Be happy!
  274. Tracy Nash: Josh, I got black-eyed peas and collards cooking and in a bit, I am gonna make parmesan encrusted pork chops for New Years Supper. Don't know how we are gonna eat cause both my hubby, James and I are sick, but we WILL eat some of it.
  275. Espresso bold and beautiful: You come to my house, ygonna get a hug.. it's just southern hospitality... Sips on sweet tea.
  276. loretta young: JOSH, Is your mother your only black friend?
  277. earlbergener: Happt new year josh,loved the video
  278. Titanic Truths: 2019 going to be the best 2019 youve experienced? How many 2019s have been through?
  279. Sharon W.: +Lynda JaegerI am so glad some younger people are carrying on the tradition. I have never been able to get my three sons to eat my New Year's Day feast. I hope 2019 brings you an abundance of blessings and happiness.
  280. Rick C: Oh my god, I'd forgotten about black eyed peas! No wonder the last few years haven't been so lucky... **updates grocery list**
  281. JrDirtyred: Too funny. Happy New Year to you Cuz.
  282. Darnell Tabor: Auld Lang Syne does not have "scrambled eggs" in it. LOL!!!
  283. aiden mcneil: Love ya Josh. Happy New Year Brother. I HOPE IT'S THE BEST GOD DAMNED 2019 YOU EVER HAVE! XO :D
  284. Laura M: That’s right, Josh. Accept the love baby! 😂
  285. David: Lmao!!! You never fail to put a grin on my face. Happy new year bro!
  286. Joe Penn: Josh keep them videos coming Brother, U so funny
  288. Heidi Marchant: So true, but you forgot one thing, if you're black then white people think you can sing! No joke

5 Things I learned from celebrating New Years with my bright friends

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Comedy Upload TimePublished on 1 Jan 2019

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