The government shut down has taught me - GameONEs TV

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The government shut down has taught me

  1. First Last: i set my income tax so i do not give the government an interest free loan.
  2. SV IOREK: Tell your Democratic congress person to fund the wall they voted for 8 years ago under Obama.
  3. Alvin Wine: We don't need the government that we have , we can do better if the government employees were so great this country would not be in the shape it got in and I understand it's up to the people to put things right . Oh and I love your comedy skits you do.
  4. nathan b: Let's not forget..most the job's affected can go collect unemployment..then when the government starts they will receive past pay...this is a vacation for most.
  5. Patrick McCreight: Save 3 months worth for national emergencies. Sad we need to think this way but thanks to the left here we are
  6. High5: No kidding, imagine if progressive got there way and we lived in the full government control Utopia they want and they have a government shut down.
  7. Scott Campbell: smilesNluv :D not ONE of the gov’t shutdowns in my lifetime have NOT paid back pay to EVERYBODY
  8. Ryan Campbell: Those not getting paid will receive back pay. No doubt they're all aware that such a thing is/was possible when they took their gov't job and those who are smart would've began to prepare for such on day 1.
  9. Cliff C: I like how your songs always rhyme at the end of the video. Like "How he do dat?!"
  10. Brandon I.T. 1337: That outro though!! I spit Coke out my nose as a parent... "I don't care about how many branches of the government are shut down!! I know how many branches I'm gonna break outside if you bring a 'C' home!!!"
  11. Barry Rose: RealBigTuna I wish I could double thumbs up you!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  12. Robert Sutphen: Build the WALL ! I wonder if the South American countries have outlawed handguns and rifles like Hitler’s prewar Germany did. Corrupt governments don’t want revolutions or education.
  13. Mark Diaz: The revolution will not be televised
  14. OFF ROAD: One get you money in check. Two you will get backpay themes that sent home won’t. Three people need to stop living on the government stop relying on the big G.
  15. Scratch McGee: Um, the rich don't get a government income tax check, they give one.
  16. richy phachanh: Congress still gets paid when the government is shutdown
  17. Bryansk Scion: +loretta young But you have to pay the bills on time with out a check nevertheless.
  18. mike leschber: The big difference from what government employees and normal people. They will be paid at some point....if I am shut down.....I wont get paid period. So they are basically on vacation.
  19. loretta young: Should have an emergency fund.
  20. chase folis: If your in dod pay then you still get, they get their funding in October time frame.
  21. l..;,lpom,lom,: They don't work for free. They're going to get the money for their work back when the government opens. Even Trump said that. Get your facts straight
  22. qya050: The point the left is missing in these posts is that the people who voted for president Trump are the people who want the government reduced in scope and power. While they're panicking because Boss Hogg is loosing resources, the other side would be happy if it were more permanent, because Boss Hogg has done nothing but steal form them.
  23. infadel13: They all get back pay.
  24. Emily Bond: I can tell who you support just by the fact you said "I don't care who you support" - the truth right there.
  25. vincygarifuna: Margie Has he improved healthcare
  26. Tez_ Foe: +David Nichols , What About The Ones Who Didn't Attend College ?
  27. RealBigTuna: Pretty obvious at this point that most government jobs are unnecessary and a waste of tax revenue.
  28. Loretta Knoelk: 😁
  29. FBI: +Khaeldranis eskettit
  30. Eric Krupa: That is the best sermon I’ve heard in a long time. As an old white man from the country part of nailed it. SUBSCRIBED!
  31. Tim Bennett: +Forest Nymph Confessions The reason healthcare is so expensive is because the government is paying for it.
  32. Bruce Laporte: One thing I learned about the shutdown is how little I notice the government being shutdown.
  33. J Moore: I do my taxes asap. Started gathering info. Correct, too much government that is nonessential not the average person like park workers. Congress and the Senate shouldn't be paid. They are just making this country more of a mess. They are the idiots why it's shut down. They care more for illegals and their votes than citizens. Just build the damn wall and stop giving money away to countries that pocket it and don't help their people. Wall is cheaper than babysitting the world. We got our own homeless and vets in need. The ex Kenyan president Barry doubled our debt and really made a mess. He's a narcissistic sociopathic fool. Needs to go away. His husband too.
  34. J Moore: The president isn't getting paid but 1 buck. So many uniformed libtards out there.
  35. just the tip? band: didnt notice when obama shut govt down. wont notice this time either🍻
  36. Pamela Jackson: When you take a federal government job you are informed of possible shutdowns that could effect your position. You willingly accept that risk.
  37. QuestionEverything: Josh you are suffering from either fake news propaganda or trump derangement syndrome... keep away from politics you suck at it. Keep making your videos on white folk. The end
  38. Margie: What on Earth are you talking about? 😂😂😂 Damn, read some news!
  39. IOozeAwesomeness: +Jerid Glasspoole And to your empty point, I Thank God/Allah/Krishna/Buddah for Nancy Pelosi.
  40. Scott Campbell: FYI: All the govt. workers get paid for the time of the shutdown. So for those that got sent home, it’s a paid vacation.
  41. Ian Avegnon: I'm a green card holder. I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat but why the hell would Democrats call the Wall immoral when during Obama's administration the Democrats approved to it and now they are saying no? Blaming the Republicans about the current government shutdown. Why are you voting this Democrats. I'm new here and u.s and I can see that they are great pretenders, actors and actresses pretending to be leaders.
  42. smilesNluv :D: +Ben Jay I spoke with a former investigator a couple of years ago and from what I understood, reckless spending was under her pervue as well. I'll probably pick her brain a bit more soon, however I will challenge one part of your premise. Contracts do not always go to the lowest bidder. Politicians looking out for their friends make sure that there are no bid contracts (think Halliburton). I honestly think those are a much larger spending issue than the competitive contracts. I don't know statistically how much (some) contractors overspend, but that'll be something for me to research as well.
  43. Melon Sauce: +The Giver77 What about people who get here legally, don't leave and become undocumented?
  44. Kur Norock: Nobody is working for free and everybody is still getting paid. You'll still get your income tax check. A government shut down only results in furloughs and delayed pay checks like 1/3 of the time.
  45. Michael Michel: If I don't get paid I quit they can do the same thing
  46. Bobcat Arts: There's plenty of reason to invest in our civilization through our tax dollar but you're right that we do need to learn more about it.
  47. Pandaman: This is it.
  48. erica sanders: 😂 thanks Josh that was funny thanks for the lightning of a serious situation that's going on people are struggling but laughter can always make things a little better love you man😘😘
  49. Christopher Chaplin: There are three branches of government...
  50. Peter Moon: MSM was pushing the narrative that the military service members wouldn't get paid during the shutdown. I think it was CBS News that interviewed her. They couldn't interview her husband because they would have to go through his unit's PO.
  51. Shawn J: If not needed ? Why do they have the positions to begin with ?
  52. Rick Sanchez C137: There is no reason why a family trying to pay their bills and put kids through school should have to give up a third of their income in taxes so that asshole politicians can hand over billions of dollars in corporate aid to political supporters or to feed the lazy... or to spend hundreds of billions and almost two decades on a war that could have been finished in three years had it been done right in the first place (corporate welfare for the military industrial complex)... we can have a thriving society without the high taxes, there is NOTHING that federal tax dollars do to support our society after protecting from invasion; the reason we have such a great society is our natural resources, relative freedom, and the ability to make money if we have an innovation or invention... something that is dwindling with so many useless idiots being in favor of socialism (because they aren’t smart enough to look at the socialist countries and see how crappy that system is and how it stifles development and advances)...
  53. root1657: Username checks out...
  54. Big Bear Bonneville: Not entirely true, just look into the EIC credits. A lot of people get free money from the government, without ever paying into the system.
  55. Ted Schoenling: Taxes are theft
  56. globalswitch17: Taxation is slavery
  57. AJ9: IOozeAwesomeness Last time I checked, it is not a biased that a house will not be foreclosed on after a single missed payment. It is also a fact that you have no clue about the facts and are one of the many to be hypnotized by CNN and other Liberal Sources.
  58. SV IOREK: If you really want to keep what you earn figure out how to start your own business (like this channel) find all the deductions you can and don’t pay taxes. Put your lifestyle into your business. Don’t write the quarterly check and show 0 income.
  59. Beth Shadid: 1. Shouldn't be taking our money in first place, just to "give you" partial amount back...robbery 2. Congress & Senate should pay out of their pockets...the scum 3. In JEHOVAHS world, shouldn't need all those morons. 4. People are thieves, just like government & 5. Duh...its all a f up game to these sons & daughters of their father...Satan. Have a good day sir. Stay safe, be blessed 💒🌈👑💗💯🙌
  60. Tricia G: That shirt is the best shirt of all time!
  61. Stacy Stalstone: I need that tee shirt! 😍
  62. Mike: I don't get shit from the government, I just give when I think of the government
  63. The Infidel: Only part of it is
  64. Just me That’s all: Tax returns will not be effected.
  65. Matt Blackwood: They said we are going to be getting the tax checks even during the shutdown. They will get back paid all the time they were off, free vacation.
  66. CringeGasm: Holy shit man this beef is real
  67. smilesNluv :D: The department being funded is not what determines who gets paid. The department that writes their checks has to be essential/working as well. SN: I didn't see any story about an AF wife on TV.
  68. Kelley TheNurse: Easy to say if you’re collecting your regular pay during the shut down, but if you’re not sure how you’re gonna feed your kids because you’re furloughed or working without pay then damn straight you’re gonna be more worried about money. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: people are always gonna be worried about getting food, water, and shelter before anything else
  69. Lisa Gliebe: Yesssss!! We have to work for free!!!! So the public doesn’t realize anything happened because we keep it moving without our pay!!! This video is on point! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Preach!!!!
  70. prettylittlewife: Josh... My buddy is in one of those categories. He's not getting paid and he is solid. He doesn't live check to check like that. He plans ahead. We gotta learn more about taxes. No reason to give them all kinds of money.
  71. Das Macht: And yet, the Dems refuse to spend literally 0.7% of the money on a lasting structure than they spend EVERY YEAR on handouts to people who can't get jobs because of their policies abandoning the forgotten communities.
  72. Michael Hodges: You do know that tax refunds are just the government's way of saying "oh we are sorry we took to much in taxes out of your paycheck all year. Our bad. Here is how much you over paid, you can have it back now"
  73. TheRealGhutts: Fred Rogers Lives!
  74. Jack Castle: Oh, grow the fuck up.
  75. Rick Sanchez C137: Adam Shadows The democrats want money to give to lots of stupid programs, other countries (including our enemies), welfare programs that have been proven not to work, and projects to build bridges to nowhere... 2018’s operating budget was over $4,000,000,000,000... and they are arguing over a MERE $5,000,000,000 for a wall... the problem is that the wall might keep out people they want to illegally vote democrat in the 2020 elections. And your ignorant ass believes their bullshit excuses... admit it, in a four trillion dollar annual budget, five billion ain’t shit!
  76. Michael Hodges: +B MAC it is a good combination
  77. Robert Harris: Taxation is theft!!!
  78. Mark Piekacz Piekacz: Hay remember all Gov. not good. People have been slaves for years because of Gov. not just one color its still going on in U.S.A missing kids the kids on mike boxs gone the kids who make it to U.S.A with out mom or dad gone.
  79. Dawn Taylor: +flamingpie herman actually Obama shut down for 14 days to force Obamacare bill to get signed
  80. Forest Nymph Confessions: +Tim Bennett Pay up? For what? I pay my taxes...
  81. Ladog Box: Everybody including democrats forget when Obama talked about building a wall they were all for it and behind it's immoral cause trump wants it.people that is grown demovrata acting like 5 year-olds.doesn't matter what party they in theses people are acting like chikdren amd don't care about this country.they care about themselves.
  82. Danny Bowen: +Bryansk Scion Yeah agree, you also said contractor which is a bit different too. But everyone goes through it for the most part. Emergency funds are necessary.
  83. Clayton Realist: Tax checks will go out on time. Fake news. They will get paid entirely after the shutdown no matter if they work or not.
  84. George Blair: Hopefully we have all learned that we don't need a sprawling, money-sucking "gubmint", to insert itself into every facet of our everyday lives.
  85. smilesNluv :D: I think you may want to research salaries. TSA, Soldiers, and federal prison guards are not making that kind of money. And there are plenty of other jobs that don't have large salaries in the federal government.
  86. qya050: No one is asking you to. Please leave. America would be a better place without your services.
  87. qya050: +Doctor Madd No, you're not, and yes you are. No, you are not willing to learn, which is why it does no good to discuss things with you, and yes you are trying to be a condescending dick. You have not only mis-represented the news you claim to read, giving proof that you can only repeat sound bites, but you have committed at least 6 logical fallacies in your response. I suggest that you raise your reading comprehension level before boasting about how much time you spend staring blankly at letters on a page.
  88. Rois Mac Connmhaigh: The government takes all my money now that I got married.
  89. Patty Bowden: +root1657 I would love to k ow that, too. Rick Scott said he would not take pay and encouraged all the others to do the same.
  90. No Huwhite Guilt: Keep it closed!!!!
  91. jeff schnablegger: I'm Not Filing my Taxes unless the Government Re-Opens. If I'm Not getting my Refunds, I'M NOT FILING!!!
  92. Rick C: Sounds like something a white person would say.
  93. Bryansk Scion: +Danny Bowen It depends on largely the type of work and the shifting tug of war budgets in politics. I was laced in tunnel construction and later land surveying, gis mapping. Pretty much testing soil systems for structural foundations and environmental impact. It depends, I know people that have worked at the Pentagon for decades and generations of my family work for Xerox.
  94. JM Lav: Just let it closed.
  95. Meh Tell: Only non-essential government is off, fine with me, smaller government is a better government.
  96. J Moore: They shouldn't. Useless anyway.
  97. Ugly Stik: Furthermore, I don't need a single branch of the government. Anyone that can rely on themselves will tell you that. Shut that thing down and keep it shut down. The country runs just fine without it.
  98. tyler beyl: It’s not really a government shut down, its more so trump holding the working class hostage to get what he wants. Its a toddlers temper tantrum on crack!!!
  99. B MAC: Michael Hodges I know this is gonna sound antiemetic and slightly racist but I have a half Asian Jewish guy that does my taxes. Seems like a good combination for a CPA an expert in numbers that’s good with money lol
  100. Margie: Except that it doesn't affect the investigation:
  101. Preston Searle: The government employees that have to work will get paid back for all their hours they worked during the shutdown so no not for free.
  102. Amanda Watson: Y’all have some of the dumbest political policies
  103. KEVIN Clark: I need the Government for nothing.
  104. Jennifer Isaacs: Nice shirt and banana. :)
  105. M O'Brien: I think that income tax should be (abolished outright) halted during government shutdown, you'll never see them shutdown again.
  106. charlie ewell: And there not friendly
  107. MuggShotGaming: Enter at you're own risk, the levels of retardation below this post is mind numbing.
  108. Stan Tuggs: Just fund the wall and the shutdown is over.
  109. Margie: +vincygarifuna Tremendously. He's lowered the price of prescriptions, made it possible for veterans to get better healthcare, etc. Not bad when it's near impossible while being obstructed by Democrats AND his own party.
  110. Monte Cantu: Very well played sir! There won't be any issues with income tax return already seen a story on it! God bless you sir and stay funny!
  111. spencer barrett: Chick fila actually pays pretty damn good.
  112. Mike: To not be on welfare or snap. You are their bitch I you are dependent on the government for food. That power they weld over you voluntarily.
  113. Joe K.O.S: Those government workers, get a lump sum payment for hours worked, soon as the government reopens.
  114. Doctor Madd: +qya050 I don't watch the news. I read--a lot. That being said, I have seen no evidence to support that Mexico is actually paying for the wall. From what I understand, that is the entire reason for the shutdown--Trump wants Congress to approve money for the wall. Also, the OP himself has stated our government/congressmen should pay for the wall. Which is it? Feel free to educate me. Provide logic and facts supported by unbiased sources, please. Oh, and if you're going to insult someone's intelligence please spellcheck your own comments. It kind of ruins your point when you don't know how to use "your" and "you're" correctly. Not trying to be a condescending dick, I'm merely making a point. It's somewhat sad and amusing when people not only are unable to sway others to their point of view using such vitriol (you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, brother) but resort to name-calling without offering any type of logical explanation of their opinion. But, yeah, if you can educate me please do. I think liberals and conservatives are equally retarded, ignorant, and overly emotional, but I'm always open to learn if someone actually has something to teach.
  115. CLCinflorida: THEN CALL THE DEMONcrats, because we are going to have the FREAKIN WALL, the Voters Spoke when we Voted for Trump because of His Wall and putting AMERICAN'S FIRST ..
  116. The Hapa Vegan: +Aaron Rickle- Funny thing is you almost recited my life story, add in being raped and molested from a baby to my late teens, mother on meth using her benefits for drugs and not to feed her damn kids. I was homeless for 5 years, got arrested several times and put in jail; because at the time I just thought the police was out to get me, not that I was hanging around the wrong people that were doing criminal shit. I didn't speak proper English (because where I lived nobody spoke proper English), even the teachers didn't speak proper English (they talked just like the kids). Only difference is that I didn't use drugs because I saw what it did to my mother and what it did to those in my community, my mother even went as far as to trying to sell me for sex to pay for her drugs. 90% of the people in my community was able bodied working adults collecting welfare, there were females popping out babies so they didn't have to do the work programs and they would get more money for each child they popped out; they would use the government services to pay for child care (have their mom or sister watch their kids for free and claim child care benefits) and collect that money too! All that shit you spewed is fucking excuses, everyone learns right from wrong unless you're a monster, I taught myself to speak better, I learned to recognize bad friends from good friends (I separated myself from those who were involved in criminal activity), I painstakingly made myself get a job to get that paycheck the right way instead of getting that instant cash flow the illegal way, I got my G.E.D and then enrolled into community college, I got my degree while working full-time with 2 small children, while being a single mother that had no one to fall back on. You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about, the welfare system is abused so badly it's disgusting. Maybe stop feeding into the victimization of those who are trying to use you and open your eyes for once, the wicked outnumber the weak.
  117. Michael Henriques: If you think you need 410 agencies are needed. Name them all. Without google.
  118. Shannon Thigpen: +IOozeAwesomeness yeah let's not argue about honesty when the only time dems are/were honest was when they wanted to keep blacks on the plantation. I wouldn't argue either. Lol!
  119. BreeKayBe: Nobody has missed a paycheck "yet"
  120. yaburu: 3:21 "I'm sorry sir, you don't have the proper haircut to speak to the manager" lol
  121. Lizzie Dawkins: Here’s what I’VE LEARNED: •Illegal immigration is a serious threat to our country •90% of all heroin comes across the border •Thousands of kids are Sex trafficked •Illegals cost US taxpayers $135 billion a year
  122. Ted Schoenling: Dude you don't NEED government. you don't need them at all
  123. Rick Sanchez C137: Congress should NOT get paid: -During government shut downs. -When deficit spending. -When unemployment exceeds 4%. No reason to pay employees doing a shitty job, especially those idiots...
  124. IOozeAwesomeness: +Bobbie Robinson the Democrats are more worried about illegals? No wonder why Trump thinks it's perfectly okay to make shit up as he goes because 95% of republicans live in Candyland and hold a collective IQ of 68. 69 is too high and also too amusing.
  125. goombakiwi: I need the government. .............. to leave me alone.
  126. Rick O'Grady: hey Josh... let me get that shirt.
  127. electro Smith: Government is worthless
  128. PlayaSinNombre: This video is bananas!
  129. vtec just kicked in yo: We have nonessential government employees?
  130. Matt DOE: Ya but the politicians still get paid
  131. Ugh caveman: Keep it shut down. Let Americans defend the border now. A couple thousand dead illegals and they'll stop coming illegally.
  132. Nicole h: That shirt tho 😂😂👍
  133. donna hansen: We're going to get it Josh They're still gonna get back pay $130,000 a year
  134. Jason Patterson: Love the shirt......
  135. jeddo/don: Taxes nowadays is theft. Even with the shutdown people will still get their tax returns. MAGA
  136. Doug Yates: As a retired Federal employee, a shutdown hurts everyone! I always blamed the President, regardless of who was in office. It's up to the President to stop this. This should be against the law!
  137. FBI: Josh, keep up your videos. Love your content. Hope you get the privilege of hosting the Oscars.
  138. ThatOneGuy: I wonder if our representatives are still getting paid? ;)
  139. Barry Rose: Maybe they should pro rate our taxes for the time these government leaches didn’t perform their non essential duties!! Close the whole thing down! Let’s evaluate all spending and WASTE! It’s our money!!
  140. IOozeAwesomeness: You know the lie must be bad when not even fascist YouTube is touching the comment.
  141. EmBEARased Bear: Government shutdown? Don't threaten me with a good time.
  142. Real Life: My life has been 100% the same.... I say we keep it shut down forever
  143. ButterCookie: We had too much government anyway. Yes, this should indeed be a wake-up call. With the excessive amount of federal agencies, we are damn near in a communist state.
  144. tyler beyl: qya050 There is nothing liberating about working for free and worrying about how you’re going to take care of your family. There are hundreds of thousands of poor and working class people that are either working for slaves wages or are out of work all together and the programs that are suffering have a direct effect on the poor and working class. Weather you use them or not it’s important to have social programs to make society function and to help people get back on their feet when they run into hard times. Also don’t give me that bullshit about “quit bitching and just go get a job” because most people have jobs, wages have been stagnant since the 80s, and about 50% of full time workers make $30,000 a year or less.
  145. Charles Driggers: Well let's see...……………………………...Schumer and Pelosie………………………..that's it.
  146. inaneracoon997: What does that have to do with the video?
  147. Margie: We have and continue to do so. The government won't allow us to build on their land and private land. If they did, it would cost less than half of what they're estimating. Believe me, there's plenty of groups trying desperately to get the OK.
  148. loretta young: Government shutdown is like a paid vacation eventually you will get your money
  149. The Giver77: +Melon Sauce I'm not an expert, but these seem to me to be 2 separate issues with different solutions. Approximately 40% of illegal immigration occurs through illegal crossing of the border itself. The currently proposed solution is a border wall, which increases the difficulty and in many cases outright deters this form of illegal entry. Based on the success in other countries, this measure could result in reduction of total illegal immigration by up to 40%. I personally think it's only half of the equation, the other half is to increase the number of and upgrade the security of ports of entry and expedite the process for legal immigration, thereby creating a clear 'path of least resistance' that people will organically follow. As for the other 60ish% of immigration including people overstaying visas, I would guess that simplifying the immigration process would reduce this issue to a degree and the rest would have to fall under the jurisdiction of our legal system.
  150. Mark Piekacz Piekacz: +High5 hay its not one side one color its laws who is who I been busted for shit is free in my state which is now free. Hate is hate dont barke laws hahaha. Come be a farmer in Michigan its open smoking in peace whit farms.
  151. fatcat007 007: Love the Mr. Rogers shirt. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
  152. smilesNluv :D: +Scott Campbell Yeah... that's true for my lifetime. It doesn't make me confident that everyone will get paid. If it were me, I'd never forget that it isn't guaranteed.
  153. Col.Glover 413: Go watch Kent Hovind ✝️
  154. SV IOREK: They do not work for free they will get paid.
  155. JD50: Claim 9 on your w2
  156. IOozeAwesomeness: I'm sorry, do you get to pay your bills every other month? Cause mine come every single month regardless of whether or not I have a check to pay them.
  157. Col.Glover 413: Jesus is the only way to heaven ✝️
  158. Baskerville Bee: This will not effect the tax refund checks. They've already said so.
  159. Cat Momma: insertnamehere ... Can’t tell if you’re Serious, or if it’s Sarcasm {if so, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂}
  160. Clarence McClaim: I bet u they aint building a wall where the Russians come IN
  161. Jack Crow: I just noticed, move your head a lot.
  162. Shane S: Tax checks are not being held back. Your still gonna get them so people need to calm down. Second not working for free. They are just getting paid later for the work (Backpay). Working for free would imply they will never be paid and that is completely untrue.
  163. vincygarifuna: Margie you can comfort yourself that he’s doing a great job
  164. Ugly Stik: Number 1. Claim 2. Claim 5. Claim 10 if you have to on that W-4. Claiming 1 or 0 means that they will take the most out of you, and at the end of the year, whatever they "deem" that they don't "need" from you, will be "returned". That's a joke. Tax laws change every single year, and it's always about how the democrats vote on their paychecks. The mindframe of people is that they get a "return" from the government. In actuality, if anyone were to pay attention to the real numbers, we're all getting screwed. The middle-class workers, anyway. I'm tired of giving this damn government an interest free loan. I'll keep my money throughout the year, and pay in as needed.
  165. E J: Why are you overpaying on your income tax so much that you are relying on getting the check? That money could have been earning you interest all year long.
  166. root1657: AOC said that it's wrong, but I wonder if she'll take the pay, or refuse it, or donate it to charity....
  167. William Goboff: We really don't need a government if nothing changes regardless is government is up and running or not.
  168. Rick C: Oh look, Florida Man is talking again, thinking he speaks for the rest of us as well. Sounds like quite the reactionary NPC himself with all the angry shouting.
  169. Ben From Gulf City: Sorry man, I can't hit like. The government is shut down, so times are tough.
  170. Heather coo¿: Yup!
  171. David Weisenthal: Hey man I love your content but I would reccomend that you read up on state/local government vs federal. The main reason why this shut down is not effecting most people is that the federal government is having this problem, but your local and state departments are business as usual.
  172. PreciousRetard: the govment is shut down so orange man cannot be investigated
  173. Cat Momma: +Dageka ... They make Way Too Much money Now as it that the Majority of them have yet to earn. I say make them spend just One month Living like the Rest of Us & they'd Lose their Shit!! LOL
  174. Rick Sanchez C137: Democrats think a four trillion dollar annual budget isn’t enough, but refuse to protect the border from drug traffickers and slave traders (stop calling it “Human Trafficking!”) with a measly five billion dollars for walls/fences... only morons would fail to see that there are other issues and the democrats are being, at best, disingenuous... especially considering their support for and funding of the walls built thus far before Trump got elected.... Nancy wanted walls before the 2016 election, why is it NOW supposedly immoral? Chucky wanted walls before the 2016 election, why is it NOW supposedly a waste of money? They are lying and playing bullshit political games, and only the koolaid drinkers don’t see it, because half the democrat party voters see it, smell a rat, and are quietly sitting in the corner waiting for the evidence to materialize... #walkaway
  175. Clifton Friese: The shut down didn’t stop them from taking taxes out of my check.
  176. B Cherry: This is why a big government is a bad thing. They have to much power over the people. Much more needs to be handled at the local level.
  177. Supersonic2747: Josh I love your videos but 1. It has already been announced that tax refunds will be issued 2. Government employees receive all of their backpay owed to them when the government reopens. No one is working for free. Keep the videos up. God bless. 👍🏻
  178. Tristyy: There’s ALREADY A FUCKING WALL!!! How in the hell has everyone forgotten that Bush tried this & FAILED because it doesn’t work
  179. Oldman Overlanding: Hasn't effected me in the least little bit.
  180. Cat Momma: Baskerville Bee ... If this ‘Shutdown’ ends Before January 29, then no, it won’t effect the Refunds. However, if it lasts longer, then there Could be delays & a whole lot of people waiting. This explains it better....
  181. Francisco Castaneda: +caulkins69 This was last years report
  182. Danny Bowen: If you work for the govt for more than 3 years and don't have enough savings for a shut down. You're just not that smart. Sorry.
  183. Eric Geisinger: +qya050 fake news
  184. Doctor Madd: +Ronan Morrison No, but I have a bachelor's in snark. What's your degree in, friend?
  185. Mark Piekacz Piekacz: Do not mess with this man pay. You got beef with me call 1-800-shit--boxs or E-mails @ why do care . com. I dont hate think he is funny help the guy out people. I am not here to hate talk to any real Detroit people. I am being nice for a Polock.
  186. epic ben: Why you have a banana in ya hand😤😂Just swinging it around .. were you eating and said Oh wait I gotta make a video, on a subject You don't know about 😂 Fucking regarded Youtubers just making videos on the biggest newest trending topic.. Just for views
  187. Rob Mason: A non partisan group estimated in the 2017 budget approximately 335 billion could be attributed to waste fraud and abuse right off the top. Google search some of the biggest wastes and things like studying the sexual tendencies of quail on cocaine pops up. Actual govt study cost something like $64;000.
  188. Danny Bowen: +Bryansk Scion safer? Where did you work? Must've been a small business. Its an odd anomaly that the larger businesses like to just move around a lot, so its hard to stay anywhere for 20 years. Its not that hard for the govt jobs. I've worked for 2 fortune 500 companies that went bankrupt.
  189. Jacob S.: This is true. They will get paid. Its the propaganda that the media springs up everytime theres a shutdown. They will get paid and everybodys getting their income tax checks on time.
  190. RebelCountry64 SPride: what the government shutdown and this video has taught me is that if people are only worried about money You are what's wrong with this country. there's a hell of a lot more wrong then having money. People needing to care about family and themselves and the safety of the country you live in is more important then fake ass paper. to many ignorant stupid asses out there.
  191. QuestionEverything: +Justtcmost major banks are offering the ones effected by yhe government shutdown zero interest loans during it all. Because the money is already there waiting for these non essential federal employees when it's over. They knew it could happen they still took the job . I dont feel sorry for any of them. The left doesn't care either because voter statistics with government employees doesn't favor the Democrats.but illegal immigrants do.
  192. Margie: +vincygarifuna That makes about as much sense as your original comment.
  193. smilesNluv :D: +Ben Jay I agree that any price inflation is too much. What stakes are you referring too? Can you give an example? While the DoD does quite a bit in no bid contracts because of security, there are plenty of others that seem abusive or corrupt. For example Shulkin (former VA Sec) approved several no bid contracts, seemingly for his friends. At least when there is a bid the competition can drive down the price. There are plenty of other examples of the lack of oversight in the process.
  194. Khaeldranis: That's not a privilege, that's a death sentence
  195. Heather coo¿: +High5 I see people in both side that need to go. Also all these extra departments can go. Like get rid of FBI CIA and all alphabet names. Make one dept that covers everything. Get rid of 3/4 of every bit of our government from sheriff's and mayors up!!
  196. QuestionEverything: +Jen kb Mexico already did pay for the wall with the new trade deal that will profit billions for the United states. Learn to Read between the lines... trump is genius
  197. Morganachan: I had always heard that they still get paid for going to work, they just don't get the money until after the shutdown is over. Does anyone know if this is true?
  198. IOozeAwesomeness: +qya050 You're not worthy of an intelligent rebuttal. Besides I don't need to justify myself to a fascist swine with a more convoluted internet handle than mine.
  199. I P S: Oh fucking well, call your local socialist fuck and tell them to build the god damn wall. TRUMP 2020
  200. Ben Jay: smilesNluv :D we may be talking about two types of spending by misunderstanding: yours on deliberate and corrupt spending, and mines on spending government entities participate in which offers no negative consequences despite poor valuation
  201. GetRichBuyGuns: Did he go from 5 to 2?
  202. B MAC: Michael Hodges that was an interesting read. The main part that screws me on taxes is I work my regular 4-10’s job for steady income. Then I have multiple self employment incomes, plus my wife works. Thats what really gets me at the end of the year. She basically works to cover what I lose in taxes.
  203. smithologist: Did you know that $5,000,000,000 equals about 10 minutes of government spending (4.4 trillion in 2018). The government is shutdown over 10 minutes of federal spending...
  204. strange0eye: The key is to adjust your allowances so you OWE the government money at tax time. The trick is to adjust so you owe as little as possible and that depends upon other factors (write-offs, etc.) for each individual. I try to adjust each year so I owe $800 or less. Why you ask??? Wouldn't you rather work YOUR money, over the course of the year, rather than let the IRS hold onto to it and get a stupid refund back???? If you are happy with the "forced savings" that earns 0% and you like getting that refund back than that's your choice. Disclaimer: Always check with an accountant or tax attorney... neither of which I am. I learned this from my father and it has been working great for me for 40+ years now.
  205. Erik N: Maybe you could be mad about the government stealing you money in the first place...
  206. caulkins69: People were farming successfully long before the Department of Agriculture existed. That department is only necessary because of government regulations that say it is.
  207. smilesNluv :D: It impacts the pace of immigration hearings. It's causing people that work for the TSA to quit and find another job. If immigration is the argument for the shutdown, should it matter if it doesn't affect you directly? Shouldn't the focuse be the country?
  208. zhp500: Thank God it is closed down. Keep it down until the wall is funded.
  209. Thomas Burnett: Essential personnel still get paid. Anyone working and not getting a check are in a job deemed non-essential
  210. Alyn Hill: I love Mr. Rogers and the shirt!he was totally not a pedophile just a good man,sorry about your Catholic upbringing
  211. Mark Piekacz Piekacz: I hope they drop parts of the Gov. Its too big. And you can still do you're taxes. The less Gov. the less you have to pay in tax.
  212. AJ9: As a college student, I am scared for the future. These college age democrats are truly lost. And FYI, common knowledge, your home CAN NOT be foreclosed on after missing a single payment, your car CAN NOT be repoed after missing a single payment, and your electricity/gas and all other payments will not be effected after missing one payment. Stop listening to the news and getting these false ideas that after 4 days of missing their mortgage payment government workers are being foreclosed on, that statement alone is beyond idiotic and troubling to hear. Side note: NOT ONE GOVERNMENT WORKER HAS MISSED A PAYCHECK YET, I believe, if my sources are correct they would be payed at the end of the day today, Friday the 11th. And they will receive FULL paychecks for missed days once the government re-opens.
  213. Matt G: Maybe government is culpable for much... if shit that should still work doesnt. "Essential" ?? Luv u vids no homo.
  214. azcactus2008: Personally I never got excited about receiving a big income tax refund check. The best year I ever did with taxes I owed federal three dollars, so I took all of my money home all year.
  215. S Maberry: Yes the 800,000 furloughed employees are the non-essential government employees
  216. Bcuniverse: Government workers get paid for all the work hours they put in after the shutdown is over
  217. IOozeAwesomeness: +KING BLUE we aren't Israel or Hungary or in situations like either of those countries. Don't be persuaded by rubbish. Most of our terrorists were born here, the others buy plane tickets.
  218. Too Shmart: -Obama had 3 shutdowns -Bill Clinton had 2 government shutdowns
  219. Adam Shadows: That is such an ignorant statement. The problem is that there shouldn't be a shutdown to begin with. And to expand on that, quitting in response to an unclear time-span is irresponsible. People have families to take care of and quitting and not knowing how long it'll take to get another job is simply stupid, considering that the president should just not hold the government hostage over a vanity project.
  220. Danny Bowen: +Bryansk Scion I do agree though, generally better paying.. but thats more profitability vs tax revenue.. You CAN make more money in the private sector, or be more screwed as its more negotiated. Govt likes to justify budgets by spending money uselessly, where in business its about maximizing profitability which gets a reward on a more personal level if you accomplish that yourself.
  221. David Nichols: The're like the energizer bunny
  222. dirt bike addiction: Tristyy there are lots of parts that are weak and just have a line of barb wire that you can crawl under sir
  223. Cyborg2101: Hey shout out to my coast guard brothers that still have to come in but aren’t getting paid
  224. RebelCountry64 SPride: +Kelley TheNurse only reason people worried about all that shit is cause modern society has ruined people and there outlook on life and the dependence of money to need those things. the smart people that hunt and fish for food get looked down upon not for the killing of animals and the bs the stupid sjw's wanna throw out there. but because they know how to take care of themselves i mean let's face it the shit in stores isn't good for you and it's to expensive anyways. so spending money on a box of shells or fishing poles is money better spent then all that walmart trash. so you that think this modern society is better is part of the problem. and you need to take a different perspective on life.
  225. Robert Dawson: Someone tell Pelosi and Schumer they can’t get everything their way about the Border. Negotiate... Stop posturing. Congress hasn’t passed a budget in years. Don’t cat Congress until they have an annual budget in place
  226. Bee Snort: I wonder how many tsa agents are gonna be pissed and let some “drugs and terrorists” in. I ain’t gettin paid, I didn’t see nuthin!😂
  227. Vivid Haiku: Government shut down showed we don't need them.
  228. Dawn: People are not working for free, they will be paid for every hour they work. But they won't get a check until the government opens back. up.
  229. qya050: Yay, a extreme right Repub with the tag Forest Nymph breaking with the party.
  230. Too Shmart: name one?
  231. Shannon Thigpen: +IOozeAwesomeness well they did and now we do. And to show just how clueless you are, they already have signed off on it. Twice as a matter of fact. Both times under Obama. Schumer, Pelosi, and all the dems. And now only because trump is actually going to do it, yall morons don't want it. Yall were fine with a wall when obumer spoke about it. So who's the liars again?
  232. smilesNluv :D: Their back pay is not guaranteed.
  233. Heidi Marchant: Taxes humph, I hate paying in, it always leaves us in between a rock and a hard spot and we're just middle class. That mortgage tho😨
  234. Eleasah Chance: Where did you get your Mr. Roger’s shirt?
  235. Whistler Wind: They will get back pay.
  236. moptop85: They shouldn't nor should they get back pay. Everyone else gets written up or fired for causing major problem. These cunts get a free pass
  237. NW Monk: If you are getting a tax return check, you overpaid your taxes and gave the Government an interest free loan. Learn your W-4 withholdings and deductions. That's on you for being ignorant. Also, essential Govt workers are being paid and was passed in the last budget. Only non-essential Govt workers are not being paid but will receive all back pay with interest. Your rant sounds very ill-informed and without facts.
  238. brian hixson: So we dont need the FDA ? to help with food poison ? And now our servicemen in the national guard are not getting paid. Airport security is critical. And having everyone " call in sick " is not good. Do you think IRS workers will give you're tax refund on april? Nope. Not gonna happen.
  239. Deplorable B.R.: It's all good, bro. I'm gonna smoke some weed and eat Cheetos.
  240. DirtyMike&TheBoys: Do the coast guard josh, I’m sure you’d find more than 5 things that would surprise you. Oh and we’re not getting paid either
  241. Pit Viper: The IRS doesn't have the authority to take your money. Corporate tax is all there is. They charge the factory worker on their profit not on the labor it took to make said product. The only tax that is legal is for buying goods and services that they can charge the average person on. There have been plenty of Documentaries about it. My favorite is From Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo. Its excellent and the Elites killed him for it. The problem is its commonplace now and the IRS will use force to take it from you.
  242. zachary fox: Dumb
  243. doug maurer: Enterprise provides fleet vehicles for government agencies.... If they not getting that income they still need they money..
  244. IOozeAwesomeness: +Shannon Thigpen "No," Shannon. 😭 I'm not about to argue honesty with you when Trump and his cabinet has been proven to have told more flat out lies than days he's been in office.
  245. HongKongPhooey: They'll all get their back pay. They're not working for *free.*
  246. Billy Gayle: I enjoy jush. But a little off in left field on this one.
  247. dominic coscarelli: Lol essentially means they still get paid. Only non essential personnel are not being paid right now. But as soon as the government starts up they paid all the money they are owed. Government needs to Congress to not get paid. That will change thing's. If we cut Congressional salaries by 20percent we'd have that wall.
  248. Jacob S.: Thank you. Finally someone who has sense and doesnt follow the propaganda and the media.
  249. Robert Downer: The Trump shut down NEEDS to end......
  250. Jake Browne: you dont need government we the civilized people need to run things
  251. HELL WITH IT!! B. L. A.: Shut the government down for good and it will never affect me or any one else that has the ability to pull their head out of their assets and take care of themselves
  252. Dawn Taylor: Thank goodness income tax checks will not be affected But yes, we NEED that wall!!
  253. Stickman: No Josh, you don't need all those federal agencies. You are deluded and brainwashed because you have never been outside the matrix. Free your mind.
  254. J Moore: Bullshit you brainwashed snowflake.
  255. Scott Campbell: smilesNluv :D I agree to a point. What in life IS guaranteed, besides death and taxes? Also, Trump already signed a bill ensuring the Fed workers get the back pay.
  256. Fat Samurai Productions: NARWHALS!
  257. Ben Jay: smilesNluv :D that's not how government contracting works. It's not fraudulent spending: it's reckless spending. Even, at times, with departments making sure that the government sees that they don't have excess money laying around by the end of the fiscal year. Why? Because if there's excess, then there's no need to fund such departments or programs with the same amount given prior. Jobs, goods and services, always go to the lowest bidder, and the lowest bidder still inflates their prices
  258. Sure Shots: Could not watch glad I am not subscribed to this channel
  260. Michael Hodges: +B MAC oh ok, that explains it then. Your self employement is what is hurting you
  261. notman 34: Love the shirt.
  262. zhp500: If your parents are paying in 80k, there not hurting. 300 back is how you have your taxes set up all year, less out each month small return at the end of the year, the smart way to do it.
  263. Peter Moon: On the bright side, the military is fully funded through 2019. The AF wife crying on TV that they aren't gonna be paid is crap.
  264. White Guy: North government small government okay no government we need no government! We're grown f****** people we don't need government!!
  265. Margie: No WALL, no CHECK.
  266. cosgarosut: Well done and well said.
  267. Wynndogg: Essential employees get back-pay though
  268. mushroomcloud1: +Nate Klug We all have to fight for it..... Call your congressman and Senator and let them know... I have so many times, I know they are thinking ...Crap....Him again.
  269. caulkins69: If those numbers are correct, that means your parents were remarkably accurate in predicting what their taxes would be and setting withholding accordingly. They were off by less than one half of one percent.
  270. Jerid Glasspoole: Now I agree with you 100% that's why I am tougher on democrats for their love of large government, even though I do attack republicans for the same thing as well.
  271. CLCinflorida: +Rick C
  272. Morelli Khast: They forget chucky was supporting a wall on the border when he was obama's bitch
  273. IOozeAwesomeness: +geo I guess you've purposefully avoided looking at the national deficit.
  274. Mark Gardner: Josh u have been lied to brother
  275. qya050: +Adam Shadows So, you're saying they should have special rights that private sector employees don't? Very ignorant of you.
  276. The Crows Nest: Love the t-shirt 👍
  277. Hellbillie Hippie: I really want that shirt
  278. E J: Shut it all down till the the Dems give a shit about Americans.
  279. Nate Klug: mushroomcloud1 Lol 😂 I hear that man but I’ll definitely give them a call
  280. Dennis Dicicco: regular people are not getting paid
  281. Louis Fields: Really I just filed my taxes without a problem
  282. USonuMabeaCh: #6 the senators and representatives, president, etc are still being paid.
  283. Jennifer Isaacs: Government shut is a tradition. Though is it considered human trafficking when federal workers work for free? Why don't people for the wall volunteer to make America Great cleaning up parks, and building a wall for free?
  284. Pope On A Rope: +Heidi Marchant He was a pedo. Nothing more needs said
  285. zachary fox: Ignorant 🤷‍♀️ this guy is
  286. Outdoor life: You also have to remember that we have to much government. Also how lazy a Federal employee is. If you write one up the union rep gets it kicked out. It is impossible to fire one. It is the biggest problem in the post office and the Federal government
  287. Heidi Marchant: +Pope On A Rope Prove it!
  288. mike3030303030303030: No effect on tax returns. Govt is too big anyways, some of it should be shut down permanently. Less taxes to pay in the first place.
  289. John Doe: The only thing I want from the government is less of it!!!!!!
  290. jdogg661420: the ones working without pay.. I think its funny they complain.. as soon as govt opens back up they will be paid retroactively so really they are only in a bad position if they are terrible with their pay.. and don't save.. but they will be getting paid for their time.. working in private industry however.,. ive had to deal with this but worse.. and never got my money.. taken pay cuts to help keep companies afloat and even fully lost my job... the govt workers have it easy. they have nothing to complain about.. if anything
  291. Forest Nymph Confessions: Lord, here we's NOT the Democrats. I'm a Republican, I'm telling you this is NOT the Democrats who have done this. ❤❤❤✌✌✌ Love y'all, not trying to start anything and won't be responding to or reading comments.
  292. Tim Bennett: +Forest Nymph Confessions It works pretty good with student debt. The debt never goes away. Pay up.
  293. Scott Campbell: smilesNluv :D thanks for the correction. I saw what you saw, as well. I misunderstood what I saw over the weekend. Cheers!
  294. jeffrey marshall: +Guit Fiddle hey skyone federal credit union is offering a 5k loan interest free for 90 days if you need it.
  295. Jesse: 6th thing you learned don't loan someone who works for $5 an hours money. You'll never see it again. That's what the banks call a high risk loan.
  296. Mike Laugh: Sucks traveling 50 miles to work everyday. Gas money almost gone and still no check in sight.
  297. Gus Freesene: Forest Nymph Confessions nope. Security.. for you. And the rest of us. Economic prosperity, for you, and the rest of us! If you don’t think walls work, stop thinking.. that’s what a good democrat does anyhow.
  298. Rick Sanchez C137: AMEN!!
  299. Francisco Castaneda: My parents think it's a load of bs last year they payed 80 ,000 dollars in taxes and got 300 dollars back
  300. McKavian: The thing that bothers me is the jerks that caused all this mess keep giving themselves raises while letting the gov't shut down. You think that they are not going to keep paying themselves? Dream on. Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed frequently. Usually for the same reasons.
  301. Jack Castle: I love how many of these dipshits in the comments are so convinced they're super "woke" and ahead of the curve by spouting this "i dun need duh gubmint" bullshit. Clueless ignorant fucks. Grow up and act like adults that live in a society.
  302. James Brinley: BUILD THE WALL
  303. Tim Bennett: +Forest Nymph Confessions My taxes are paying for your healthcare; pay for it all yourself 😁
  304. Rod Williams: Stop overpaying your taxes during the year. If you're getting more than you paid in that money came from someone else.
  305. Bobbie Robinson: Trump fixed it so income tax is coming out.
  306. Brad Morrison: We have a president who actually cares about national security. Government shutdowns happen under every president.
  307. Lesley Patterson: +Jacob S. It's true they will get paid, but only when it's over. In the meantime, people have mortgage payments, car payments, alimony, etc.
  308. truth wiil set you free: Ya but all the people they get sent home and don't have to work still get paid once thing are back to whatever is normal. Work or no work there going to be paid once the closure is over. So it be nice to have s few weeks off and get paid for playing XBOX or something like that
  309. mushroomcloud1: The government is shut???? I hadn't noticed.
  310. Heather coo¿: I would love for 3/4 of our government to go away!
  311. dimondlord11: I’m esental build the wall
  312. J. A. Jasmooth with the Groove: Government was shut down under Obama too
  313. Morelli Khast:
  314. ace alpha: If you had a half hour comedy skit show i would watch it
  315. bkpickell: How to pay for the wall $135B annually gets sent to Mexico through Western Union by Illegals. 12% surcharge on all Western Union transactions sent to Mexico pays for the wall in six months. #Mexicopaysforthewall #campaignpromisekept
  316. qya050: +ET McK So, you're admitting to either lying or being too stupid to pay attention. Which is it?
  317. Ameer Night: Heidi Marchant He’s trolling.
  318. smilesNluv :D: +Scott Campbell I can't find anything that says the President signed it. Just that the Senate and House approved it by a landslide. That's still a relief. Likely, he'll sign it this week.
  319. Adam A: Nancy and Schumer can end it all in an instant. All they have to do is put the welfare of Americans ahead of who they hope will be their future voters i.e. illegals. I don't even care if Mexico isn't gonna pay for it; that was just a sound bite to get his base excited and if he goes through with it, fine because many, many times the amount the wall would cost is already spent on illegals.
  320. Brian Steven: I don't need the government for nothing !!!! and if your stupid enough to get dependent on government then fuck you !!!! and Dont worry about your tax return you will get it when you do !! all I ever get is a few hundred anyway big deal
  321. Ray Kowal: Lol I didn’t notice any difference. Keep it closed forever!
  322. David M: All government employees will get their back pay once the government shutdown is over.
  323. Cookie Gaming: anyone else wanting to write a fact down but doesnt want to deal with the replies or the people who dont like the facts?
  324. Kay & J Bekier: 2014, the average federal employee salary was $84,153, approximately 50% more than the average private sector worker earned. This discrepancy increases to 78% when benefits are included. The average federal worker costs the government (aka taxpayers) $119,934.Dec 21, 2015 I think they will survive lol
  325. SweatDeezTexas: 👌😂 For those that stress about the Shutdown, With Less government, the less you have to worry about. Keep that in mind when voting.☑🇺🇸🍻
  326. Darlene Lopez: Yeah...and I love ya Josh...but they ain't working for free, they are just having their pay postponed. They get all of their back pay. up the warehouse and hand out some of that government cheese and commodities! Oh wait..maybe Food stamps and welfare closed too?
  327. IOozeAwesomeness: +Shannon Thigpen so you don't understand what "No" means? Got it. 😭 No one is signing on to a border wall regardless of how upset you get. Shit Mexico should've built a wall instead of inviting Americans into Texas in the first place and we wouldn't have to remember the Alamo. 😭
  328. smilesNluv :D: Back pay is not a guarantee. It has to be voted on and signed by the President.
  329. qya050: +Rick C Okay Pee Wee. "I know you are but what am I". There's a title for a book in there. "I learned everything I need to know about the liberal mindset in Kindergarden". Oh, and since you're a liberal and can't count, it looks like there's a lot of support for your president and legitimate leader on these posts.
  330. Bobcat Arts: Our democracy is not a spectator sport. I hope you learn as much as you can about who does what from your city, county, state and federal governments and get more involved. Our nation will be better for it. Good video.
  331. Dageka: +Cat Momma Sounds good, but the reason politicians are getting paid during shutdown is so that they can stay independent and won't have to accept any bullshit just to get paid again. Or at least that was once the reason, since politicians today are full of shit
  332. Ryan Murray: “No way in hell enterprise should be charging me $76 more a day for a car I’m driving that ain’t even vacuumed right for dis government shut down” 😂😂😂😂
  333. Agostino Matteucci: Josh, the shut down does suck.. however, unregulated illegal immigration sucks even worse. It cost the American people 137 billion dollars per year to support all those invaders. Now a new report is being released that 60 percent of those illegals are not working, and are living on our government dole.
  334. Cougar Tpt: Dud don't sing Its bad really bad
  335. Amanda Underwood: Preach it PRAY
  336. vincygarifuna: How many times has Trump been bankrupt. Well it looks like he’s running America into bankruptcy. Have the coal workers jobs returned yet. Wasn’t he going to give you improve healthcare
  337. SV IOREK: Government is a suck on society.
  338. Loretta Knoelk: They have to get their check after the shutdown otherwise we call that slavery
  339. Phillip Ellis: Income Tax is bs
  340. Alice B.: Finally😂! Glad I wasn't the only who was today years old and found this out!
  341. Ian Meeks: Can I be the white friend you go to shooting range with?
  342. Ben Jay: smilesNluv :D it doesn't go to the lowest bidder if that have stake in it (maybe i exaggerated a bit, but those are the contracts i was most exposed to). However, it still does not dismiss contracts that are given to companies just because something needs to get done. In that case, lowest bidder to often inflated prices, compared to quality. There are systems designed to accommodate for miscalculations, but not every job the government requires involves quid pro quo. However, the government forms contracts with a lot of companies: every cent adds up. Quid pro quo spending is not the only issue that's worth defining as "reckless." A lot of times, the government just doesn't care about where it puts your money in, and everyone wants their share. As someone who works for your money, you should know where your money is being spent, not on some overseas contract that pays a company to encourage argentinians to attend clown college, not on some company who decided to cut corners on paving the roads with the cheapest materials known to man, and not on labor that gets paid for six months when completion is possible in two.
  343. Jeff Arp: Mr. Rogers in th hood.
  344. Ronnie C: Damn this guy cracks me up.
  345. Guit Fiddle: +evakatrina a you are right. As a gov employee, I'm not allowed to take another job and quit my job during a shutdown. I must be able to respond within 24 hours of notice that the gov is open or risk being considered AWOL. Also, as one of the lucky "Excepted" personnel that is required to work "as needed" without pay.
  346. Brandon Hawkins: I realized that we don’t need the government😂
  347. Guit Fiddle: +jeffrey marshall same here. Last time I was lucky enough to get a full pay check right before the shutdown. Same this time, but any longer and it will really suck. I requested a one month forbearance on the mortgage and student loans etc. That helped also. In any case, all shutdowns are stupid and unnecessary.
  348. qya050: Liar or welfare worker.
  349. Shawn Moore: Just build the damn wall..... jeez
  350. Peter Moon: +Pope On A Rope he wasn't a pedo and wasn't a sniper in Vietnam. Trolliolioo
  351. Devin Spurlin: First people to stop getting paid in government shutdown should be the House and the Senate, then see how fast things open back up.
  352. qya050: +IOozeAwesomeness So, anyone who isn't a hippie wanna be who's education is limited to the liberal arts is a fascist swine? Guess what? Enjoy the infrastructure of your world? Fascist swine built it for you. Remove them, and you'll be lucky to live in a mud hut. Even the Amish lifestyle is too fascist for you.
  353. Nate Klug: mushroomcloud1 Lol right people are blowing this way outa proportion trumps trying his hardest to do right but he has to fight for it
  354. IOozeAwesomeness: +Jerid Glasspoole i don't give a damn what you are quiet is kept, Jerid. And your exstensive research must be conducted on the service side of glory holes.
  355. Forest Nymph Confessions: +Tim Bennett That system didn't work very well in states that required payment before giving public safety services.
  356. x.adam1 . . .: Non essential jobs don't even matter. They could disappear forever and the US will still move on with some adjustments. They're mostly bullsh*t jobs.
  357. Hollow Point: I haven't been able to get an income tax check in nearly a I usually have to pay in after I do my taxes. Make a little money and you get punished.
  358. Michael Michel: +Adam Shadows I can agree on the vanity project but they already know how this goes with the shut down because it has been done already by passed presidents so why would you take that chance to work for free knowing what will happen when they do a shut down. My work comes with a price it's business they give me nothing and I give them nothing except for an honest day of work for an honest day wage
  359. Drena Tee: Congress has to approve to motion to get them paid....
  360. goldylox &the3bears: Dems and Republicans fighting it out. Everyone screaming the latest thing msm has spouted off about. The funding bill is 2 trillion. That's 2 thousand, billion dollars. He wants 5 billion for a20 billion dollar project. Everyone is arguing about who's not negotiating. Well..a2 trillion dollar budget bitch fest and not one mention of the 21 trillion missing from hud and doj. Been missing. No news. No riots. No interviews. Nothing. Even the people don't care. You're all sheep and you all claim to know what is "really" going on. Yeah right. It's laughable.
  361. loretta young: +Bryansk Scion people should have an emergency fund. A lot of people live beyond their means trying to keep with the Jones.
  362. Rouge: My parents aren't getting paid and they still have to go to work everyday. Those jackass in Washington are still getting their checks for sitting on their asses. How is shutting down part of the government going to get anything done?
  363. Cat Momma: M O'Brien ... I’ll do one better.... The Politicians are the Ones NOT Gettin Paid! From the POTUS, All the way Down to Governors...LOL Here’s something else that might Piss you TF OFF, like it does me.... Guess who’s going to be Giving Themselves a 10k Raise, while almost 800,000 workers ain’t making NIT A MF DIME????
  364. LoneWanderer360: This shutdown has taught me that they are useless and should be restricted to their original constitutional mandate. Everything else should go back to the States.
  365. qya050: The working class is feeling liberated by the shutdown. You must mean the class who siphons public money and then makes excuses about how important they are.
  366. First Last: shut down more government
  367. JT Hickman: hahaha, well done!
  368. ChildOfThe Ivy: Hey, fun fact, there's already a border wall. It's just really understaffed lmao
  369. Andy47357: i learned the irs still takes my money when they are shut down!
  370. IOozeAwesomeness: As a college student, I am scared for the future of students at whatever school you currently attend since you don't even recognize your own bias.
  371. Guit Fiddle: You're spot on and funny. Gained a sub.
  372. Ronan Morrison: It's the Democrats are the reason the government is shut down. These idiots are claiming the Wall on the southern border is immoral should take the walls around their property down. CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND TELL THEM TO PAY FOR THE DAMN WALL.
  373. Clyde Mobley Jr: Hay dude keep the funny vids brother
  374. ET McK: Apparently Trump did not think it was important during the TWO YEARS REPUBLICANS controlled the house, senate, and presidency, when they could have easily passed funding. It only matters now that he can BLAME the democrats.

The government shut down has taught me

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Comedy Upload TimePublished on 10 Jan 2019

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